
Low VOC Aqueous Approach in Manufacturing Cleaning

ArmaKleen is headquartered in Princeton, New Jersey and manufactures aqueous cleaners that are environmentally friendly and superior in effectiveness in cleaning most plastic and metal surfaces compared to traditional commercial cleaners. ArmaKleen products are water-based and can easily remove ink,  adhesives, oil, paint and many other kinds of residue. ArmaKleen's products are formulated to work well in cleaning industrial and commercial parts which require high quality cleaning solutions.

ArmaKleen provides cleaning services for a large variety of parts and surfaces. They also offer free trial services in Rocky Hill Tech Center. The main objective of the Rocky Hill Cleaning Trials is to ensure the quality of services offered by ArmaKleen. The company is leading the parts cleaning industry by practicing their experience and technology. All of their products are safe to use and effective. These cleaners are of high-quality, which are rigorously tested for using in Safety-Kleen parts washers, before commercialization. ArmaKleen has vast experience in cleaners manufacturing and always welcomes its new customers and provides trial services by cleaning some parts for free. In free cleaning trials at Rocky Hill Tech Center, products are cleaned with a variety of washers and a performance evaluation report about the service is issued.

Armakleen is a joint venture between two leading companies that are in the industrial and commercial parts cleaning services and products manufacturing industries; Church & Dwight – manufacturers of Arm & Hammer® brand’s products, and the Safety-Kleen Systems – provider of parts cleaning and environmental solutions. The products manufactured include paint and ink removers, paint gun cleaners, rust cleaners, and many other types of parts cleaners. These two companies have been providing services to their customers for more than a century.

Free Cleaning Trials

The ArmaKleen company provides parts cleaning services to its customers for free under the Rocky Hill Cleaning Trials. These services are being provided at the premier Rocky Hill Tech Center. The technology center makes use of an exclusive line up of ArmaKleen aqueous chemistries produced by the manufacturers of Arm & Hammer cleaning products. Rocky Hill Tech Center not only provides cleaning services using ArmaKleen’s products developed by the makers of Arm & Hammer cleaning, but also shows the results of a variety of other products to ensure their customers of the effectiveness.

After the commencement of the cleaning trials, the parts are rigorously cleaned and after that returned for evaluating the results. In addition to cleaning the parts, a detailed report is also presented which cover the cleaning process used and a comparison of results obtained by the cleaners from different vendors. Some snapshots of the product before and after cleaning are added to physically represent the final results and results from different cleaner’s vendors. Aqueous cleaning trials are simpler in the application and also provide a convenient way for the customers to explore different ways to automate and improve the cleaning process, reduction in cleaning costs, and elimination of hazardous waste products and chemicals.

Here are a few of their many products:

ARMAKLEEN™ 4 in 1 Clеаnеr iѕ a nеw multi-рurроѕе сlеаnеr dеѕignеd tо bе uѕеd in mаnuаl, immеrѕiоn, ultrаѕоniс, аnd ѕрrау аррliсаtiоnѕ. Thiѕ rеvоlutiоnаrу рrоduсt iѕ аlѕо fоrmulаtеd tо bе uѕеd in thе Sаfеtу-Klееn AQ1 раrtѕ сlеаning mасhinе. Suреr-соnсеntrаtеd 4 in 1 iѕ uѕеd аt hаlf оf thе соnсеntrаtiоn оf nоrmаl ѕinglе рurроѕе сlеаnеrѕ. Whеn uѕеd in mаnuаl сlеаning аррliсаtiоnѕ, ARMAKLEEN™ 4 in 1 Clеаnеr

ARMAKLEEN™ Ruѕt Rеmоvеr is a liԛuid рhоѕрhоriс асid based сlеаnеr dеѕignеd tо ѕimultаnеоuѕlу сlеаn аnd rеmоvе ruѕt frоm ѕtееl аnd irоn раrtѕ. Alѕо еffесtivе in rеmоving flux, hеаt ѕсаlе, аnd оthеr оxidеѕ frоm ѕtееl, ѕtаinlеѕѕ ѕtееl, brаѕѕ, сорреr, аnd aluminum аnd hаnd wiре аррliсаtiоnѕ. Fоr uѕе in ѕtаinlеѕѕ ѕtееl equipment оnlу.

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