
Dustless Armex Soda Bi-Carb Blast Cleaning Carbon

More information can be found here.

New lithium-oxygen battery greatly improves energy efficiency, longevity

"The new battery concept, called a nanolithia cathode battery, is described in the journal Nature Energy in a paper by Ju Li, the Battelle Energy Alliance Professor of Nuclear Science and Engineering at MIT; postdoc Zhi Zhu; and five others at MIT, Argonne National Laboratory, and Peking University in China."

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New batteries from hi-tech energy agency coming fast

(Reuters) – "A wing of the U.S. Department of Energy focused on breakthrough technologies may soon give billionaire entrepreneur Elon Musk’s most recent foray into energy storage a run for its money, the unit’s director said." The article is here.

Five made-in-China hi-tech breakthroughs

"Chinese leaders are resolved that the best way forward for the country is 'innovation' -- modernizing industries and creating technological marvels that China can call its own. With this belief, China has achieved momentous progress in science and technology in recent years. Thanks to high-speed rail, long distances can not keep friends, family or business partners apart, as 1,000 miles can be covered in a day. The sky is no longer the limit, as China has sent manned flights into space." The article is here.

Israeli hi-tech super algae

"Israeli researchers have transformed humble pond slime into an engine to drive a green energy revolution. Dr. Iftach Yacoby and his team at Tel Aviv University genetically altered single-celled algae, which naturally emit hydrogen throughout the day, allowing the organism to increase its efficiency to five times its natural ability." More here.

Clark Solutions High Tech Data Acquisition and Control

More here.

Laser scarecrows: Canadian farmers use high-tech wizardry to battle birds

"A team of six mechanical engineering students lit up some lasers to ‘frick’ with flocks of geese that have been destroying crops on Vancouver Island in the province of British Columbia." The story is here.

You May Soon Get Picked Up In An Uber Car Without A Driver

"The future is here when Uber tells us it’s here — and, apparently, that time is now. The firm is poised to revolutionize the taxi game all over again by rolling out driverless cars." More here.

A Japanese City Creates A Futuristic Shopping Mall To Grow An Ecosystem

A six-storey shopping mall is at the heart of a multi-stage plan to stimulate the economy of Japan’s second largest city, Osaka and develop an entrepreneurial ecosystem. More here.