
DSEi 2011(Defense & Security Equipment International)

Tuesday, September 13, 2011 - Friday, September 16, 2011

"SRI Sarnoff delivers end-to-end solutions for force protection with integrated air/ground surveillance and situational understanding. From the forward operating base to the perimeter, these field-proven products enable real-time vision processing, biometric identification, threat detection, persistent surveillance, and combat training. Join us at Booth #N5-370 for a live demonstration of TerraSight™:"

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Disease Detection Sci-fi Technology

"A new hi-tech disease detection facility, developed by the University of Leicester, uses technology that could eventually help develop devices akin to the 'tricorders' from Star Trek - used by medics on the TV show to diagnose illness simply by waving it near a patient - one of the scientists working on the project said..." Article here.

The First Supercavitating Motorboat

"The first picture has been released of GHOST, the world's first supercavitating motorboat. The ultra high-tech craft is a combination boat/aircraft that is designed to "fly" through an artificial underwater gaseous environment that creates 900 times less hull friction than water." Article is here.


Video Fusion Systems

From "In this podcast, product director Arnie Kravitz discusses what video fusion systems can do to help users find and characterize hidden threats."

Access the podcast here:

Prototypical Device Allows Blind to See with Their Ears

"A neuroscientist has unveiled an "amazing" new device that could allow the blind to visualize what's around them."

Article here:

MIT Energy Storage Breakthrough Announced

Researchers at MIT have found a way to improve the energy density of lithium-air batteries.

Article here:


Sarnoff in the News in Biometric Template Implementation

"It’s a question that came up in Denver late last year when the health club chain, 24 Hour Fitness, introduced a fingerprint-based check-in system to replace its membership cards..." More here.

High Tech Camera Focuses After Snapping Picture

Ground-breaking high-tech camera. Article here.


SRI shows the benefits of shrinking tech

"The system, developed by scientists at SRI International, is known as Taurus, and it is a miniature robot that can allow a trained dismantler to remotely do the work that used to require getting up close and personal, often too close for comfort, to a bomb."

Read more:

Military contractors show their wares at defence show

"Thousands advanced on Lansdowne Park Wednesday for the opening of the 11th annual CANSEC Defence and Security Trade Show.

Designed to showcase the latest and greatest in weapons and military technologies, the show includes more than 225 exhibitors who have brought gear ranging from helicopters to vision systems.


SRI International Researchers Ajay Divakaran and Andreas Stolcke Honored as IEEE Fellows

"MENLO PARK, Calif.—Feb. 9, 2011SRI International, an independent nonprofit research and development organization, announced today that Ajay Divakaran, Ph.D., technical manager,Vision Technologies, and Andreas Stolcke, Ph.D., senior researcher in SRI’s Speech Technology and Research (STAR) laboratory, have been named 2011 IEEE Fellows." More here.

Large Hadron Collider rumoured to have found God Particle

Scientists at the Large Hadron Collider are rumoured to have found the elusive so-called "God Particle". Article here.


The Anti-Laser

"Scientists at Yale University claim to have developed an "anti-laser." While the term immediately calls to mind sci-fi scenarios of laser armor and deflector shields, the technology has more to do with next-generation computing than next-generation weapons." More here.

Sarnoff and HRL Laboratories to develop photonic integrated circuits to enable video-like phased-array LIDAR

"Military electro-optics scientists at two U.S. technology companies are trying to revolutionize scanning-laser sensors in the same way that phased-array technology transformed radar, by providing a compact, agile alternative to mechanically steered technology that will provide video frame rate beam steering speeds for applications like surveillance, 3D imaging, precision targeting, munitions guidance, navigation, and low-probability-of-intercept communications." More here.


How Artificial Intelligence Redefines ‘Smart Cars

"Turns out antilock brakes are the gateway to full automation, computers are sometimes smarter than you are, and the secret to a good relationship with your car is the secret to any good relationship: communication." Article here from Wired Magazine.

Sarnoff at AUSA Winter 2011

Join SRI Sarnoff in Booths #2028(indoor) and #3333(outdoor) for live demonstrations of the following products:

™ product-line integrates real-time video and data from multiple air and ground sensors into a high-resolution common operating picture — offering mission commanders and tactical operators a real-time geo-registered view of the battlespace;

TerraScout™mobile awareness system for generating actionable information while on patrol;

VerifIR stand-off threat detection system that enables users to detect anomalies that help identify potential threats.

Navy Testing High-Tech LCD Sunglasses

Article here from Fox news.


SRI International Completes Integration of Sarnoff Corporation

Menlo Park, Calif.—Jan. 3, 2011—SRI International, an independent nonprofit research and development organization, announced today that it has completed the integration of Sarnoff Corporation, its wholly owned subsidiary in Princeton, New Jersey, into SRI. More here.